
Digital Transformation and AI
Course Description

Many organizations are either thinking about or pressing ahead with digital transformation initiatives. The digitization of business processes is a step change even greater than the invention and adoption of the internet, primarily because of its scale and pace of change. What we describe today as ‘digital’ in a few years will have no need for the descriptive word. A ‘digital camera’ is already a mere ‘camera’ to those who know no different. In the same way, a ‘digital’ strategy will become a ‘business as usual’ strategy.

The digitization and automation of everything is changing the world. Spoiled customers want a quick and seamless digital experience, and they want it now. Thanks to companies such as Amazon and Apple customers expect every organization to deliver products and services swiftly with a seamless user experience. They want to log in to their online electricity account and see a real-time report of their consumption. They want services to be preapproved or approved in minutes. They expect all service providers to have automated access to all the data they provided earlier and not to ask the same questions over and over again. They wonder why a bank needs their salary slips as proof of income when their money is being deposited directly into the bank every month by their employer.

Customers are demanding a radical overhaul of business processes. Intuitive interfaces, around-the-clock availability, real-time fulfilment, personalized treatment, global consistency and zero errors – this is the world to which customers have become increasingly accustomed. It’s more than a superior user experience, however! When companies get it right, they can also offer more competitive prices because of lower costs, better operational controls, and less risk.

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    WingsWay Training Institute, a globally recognized and trusted Authorised Training Centre, ensures you receive top-quality education and recognition for your efforts. Our commitment to delivering exceptional private education in Dubai has earned us the endorsement of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) and ISO 9001:2015 certification from the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

    Furthermore, WingsWay Training Institute proudly achieved the title of ‘Best Training Institute’ twice in 2023 and anticipates maintaining this prestigious position in 2024. Our services and training quality have not only been recognized by students in over 60 countries but also by TOP international organisations.

    Course Outline

    Module 1 – Huge Benefits

    Description: By digitizing information-intensive processes, costs can be cut dramatically and turnaround times improved by several orders of magnitude.

    Key Topics:

    • The rationale behind replacing paper and manual processes with software
    • Why automatically allow businesses to collect data that can be mined to better understand process performance, cost drivers, and causes of risk.
    • How generating real-time reports and dashboards on digital-process performance permit managers to address problems before they become critical.
    • Case examples: supply-chain-quality issues can be identified and dealt with more rapidly by monitoring customer buying behavior and feedback in digital channels.

    Module 2 – Working Backwards

    Description: Start at the end state and work back when reinventing your processes

    Key Topics:

    • Challenge everything related to an existing process and rebuild it using digital technology.
    • How digitization can enable processes to be fundamentally reconfigured. For example, combining automated decision making with self-service can eliminate manual processes.
    • Why successful digitization efforts start by designing the future state for each process without regard for current constraints – say, shortening a process turnaround time from days to minutes.
    • Once a compelling future state has been described, constraints (for instance, legally required checks) can be reintroduced.
    • Why challenging each constraint is required – corporate myths can be quickly resolved through discussions with customers or regulators?

    Module 3 – Tackling End-to-End Customer Experiences

    Description: To tackle an end-to-end process such as customer onboarding, process digitization needs

    support from every function involved in the customer experience including the end customer.

    Key Topics:

    • Digitizing select stages of the customer experience to increase process efficiency.
    • Determining and solving burning customer issues.
    • Using process mapping (brown paper exercises)
    • Securing multi-functional team and customer input to critique and identify critical elements and locate potential areas for improvement.
    • This can, also, improve lines of communication and ensure a true team effort.

    Module 4 – The Digitalization / Artificial Intelligence

    Process Description: A step-by-step guide to the digitization process

    Key Topics:

    • Case examples and an overview of the end-to-end process
    • Building in-house capabilities to create a center of excellence with skilled staff that can be called upon to digitize processes quickly.
    • How to build the required technology components in a modular way so that they can be reused across processes, maximizing economies of scale.
    • Securing strong board level support to align all the stakeholders, while all other decisions should be delegated to the project team.

    Module 5 – Moving Quickly

    Description: Traditional IT-intensive projects deliver a return only at the end of the project. Digitizing endto- end processes one by one, however, can deliver improved performance in just a few months.

    Key Topics:

    • Building in-house capabilities and momentum by undertaking one or two pilots and then scaling rapidly.
    • Moving quickly isn’t always easy. Often, internal business decision-making causes bottlenecks rather than IT development.
    • How to measure whether digitized processes improve bottom lines and delight customers.
    • Allocating costs to end-to-end processes and benchmarking against peers.
    • Back to work action planning

    Course Duration

    • 2 Days

    Learning Mode

    • Classroom 
    • Virtual Instructor Led Training – VILT

    Course Language

    • English
    • Arabic

    Target Audiance

    This course is aimed at all personnel who wish to understand how digital transformation and Artificial intelligence strategy planning and implementation can drive customer satisfaction, operational results, and financial savings.

    Learning Objective

    By attending this highly interactive program, delegates will:

    •  Delighting customers.
    • Accelerating the digitization/automation of existing business processes.
    • Why reinventing the entire business process is also required i.e. cutting the number of steps required, reducing the number of documents, developing automated decision making and dealing with regulatory and fraud issues.
    • Determining how operating models, skills, organizational structures and roles need to be redesigned to match the reinvented processes.
    • Adjusting data models and rebuilding them to enable better decision making, performance tracking and customer insights.

    Training Methodology

    This highly practical and results-oriented program is based on the adult learning concept. The facilitator will give plenty of input and then help participants to make sense of the themes through discussion and practice. It incorporates short inspiring demonstrations; role play and case study practice to enhance learning. There will be ample time for Q&A and ‘return to work’ action planning. The facilitator reinforces all concepts within an inspiring and engaging learning environment.

    Pre & Post course assessments will be used to measure the effectiveness of this training and measure the skill and ability of participants.


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